Visualizing Daily Usage Statistics

rejuvyesh rejuvyesh at
Mon Dec 1 15:32:15 CET 2014

Thanks a lot for your kind comments.

Currently there are a lot of issues with `categorize.cfg` handling. We can
define tags such that they never add up to 100% or add up to more than 100%
of the total time arbtt has captured. Handling that, generally enough seems
quite complicated (any suggestions are of course welcome). This is the
reason, even I am not using my default `categorize.cfg` file here. So you
are correct that the tags are assumed to form an exclusive set.

You are also right that I should include the rendering directory right in
the master branch. I will do it right now.

I am still pretty new to haskell. I was planning to write a complete app in
haskell handling both parsing and serving it to web. But writing a simple
parser was lot more easier in python :( . I hope to do that some day ^TM.

Till then I had some issues, like handling things which I haven't been able
to track with tags and want to tag as say "others". Right now I would have
to exclude every other tag and then find them to add them to the `json`
files. It would be really great if there was some way to add to the config
file to automatically mark everything untagged as say "others".

For now I'll add the rendering files to a separate folder and add a simple
python serving script.



On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 11:47 PM, Joachim Breitner <mail at
> wrote:

> Hi,
> Am Freitag, den 28.11.2014, 15:49 +0530 schrieb rejuvyesh:
> > I wrote a `d3.js` based visualization for daily arbtt usage. Currently
> > just works on very simple categorization. Thought could be helpful to
> > the community. Suggestions (especially to make it more generalized)
> > are most welcome:
> >
> >
> >
> this looks very cool, thanks for sharing!
> I like how this is the beginning of small ecosystem around arbtt, where
> you don’t have to wait for me to implement your particular feature.
> If I run it with my own `categorize.cfg` it seems to miss something
> about “totaltime”. Can you document what special tags your tool demands?
> Or maybe we can find a way for you to get that information some other
> way?
> Are there other assumptions made, e.g. that tags are assigned
> exclusively?
> The current setup with the gh-pages branch is a bit strange. It would be
> nice if the user could simply run one command and get usable output
> in ./out or somewhere.
> It seems that opening the html files from the local path does not help,
> at least not here. A neat trick is to run
>         python -m SimpleHTTPServer
> in that directory. Maybe worth adding to the README?
> Greetings,
> Joachim
> --
> Joachim “nomeata” Breitner
>   mail at joachim-breitner.de
>   Jabber: nomeata at  • GPG-Key: 0xF0FBF51F
>   Debian Developer: nomeata at
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