Hello and questions..

Adrian Wilkins adrian.wilkins at gmail.com
Thu Jul 3 13:06:29 CEST 2014

On 03/07/14 11:40, Joachim Breitner wrote:
> Hi Adrian,
> Am Donnerstag, den 03.07.2014, 11:26 +0100 schrieb Adrian Wilkins:
>> * Can arbtt aggregate mutliple event logs?

> in principle, yes. Most reports (everything but the interval report,
> IIRC) works correctly if you have samples in the wrong oder. So you can
> use "arbtt-dump --format=Show" to export your various binary logs,
> concatenate them and load them back into a new file with
> "arbtt-import".

On looking I'm thinking it might be appropriate to merge the set of 
CaptureData for a given sample interval together (assuming that the two 
machines are operating on the same clock time, you could work out which 
TimeLogEntry items go together even with slight clock drift, and merge 
their CaptureData sets, or is this overthinking things?)

> Eventually we can consider supporting passing --logfile multiple times
> to arbtt-stats.

>> * Can arbtt sample mouse position?

> With Synergy,
> what X window is under the mouse when it appears to you as if you are
> working on the other machine? I would expect that you can somehow tell
> the two situations apart by looking at the active window, but I don’t
> know the details of Synergy.

Next time I'm in the office and using it I'll have a look at the logs.

>> * Can arbtt aggregate other sources of events?

> That is not supported out of the box. But you can easily emulate that
> using a small program that just gives you a text input box (or a drop
> down or whatever) and puts the information into its title. Then you can
> match on that program’s title.

That would be a neat workaround ; just open a notepad with a file titled 
"MeetingFor<project>.txt" (for notepads that show the filename in the 
title) :-)

I'm envisaging a program that goes through your calendar and adds 
entries for each minute of the meeting along with it's title / requester 
/ etc ; keeping in with the spirit of no interruptions and not having to 
manually remember to do things. If you could aggregate logs, programs 
that served as alternate event sources would just naturally feed into 
that feature.

My Haskell is virtually non-existent, but then my time-logging blues are 
intense, so my motivation to try and help is strong :-)

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