Nested if then else in categorize.cfg

Richard Case rich at
Tue Jan 7 14:39:59 CET 2014

Hi guys,

I'm new to this so bear with me but I'm trying to do a rule like this for
Firefox using arbtt v0.7:

-- Firefox
current window ($program == "Navigator") ==>
  if $title =~ /^(.*) - (.*@.*) - .* Mail - Mozilla Firefox$/ then tag
Email:$2-$1 else
  if $title =~ /^(.*) - Calendar - Mozilla Firefox$/ then tag Calendar:$1
  if $title =~ /^(.*) - Mozilla Firefox$/ then tag Firefox:$1 else tag

But I get:
Parser error:
"/home/rich/.arbtt/categorize.cfg" (line 29, column 3):
unexpected "i"
expecting "else"

If looks to be correct according to the syntax rules; am I doing something
wrong or is this a bug?

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