arbtt: window titles not captured (x/kubuntu 11.10 reps / cabal 0.6.1-2 / X11-

Marcus Uneson marcus.uneson at
Sat Jan 28 00:07:59 CET 2012

(continued anyway...)

So the problem is error code -2, XLocaleNotSupported:

>  will not return XLocaleNotSupported if XSupportsLocale()  has  returned
> True for the current locale.

If we including that check in the diff

$> diff X11-orig.hs X11.hs
< import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
> import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras hiding (wcTextPropertyToTextList)
> import Foreign
> import Foreign.C.String
>         loc <- supportsLocale
>         unless loc $ hPutStrLn stderr "arbtt [Warning]: locale unsupported"
<                               return $ if null l then "" else head l
>                               return $ if null l then "empty" else head l
<         bracket getProp (xFree . tp_value) extract `catch` \_ -> return ""
>         bracket getProp (xFree . tp_value) extract `catch` \e -> return ("exception" ++ show e)
> wcTextPropertyToTextList :: Display -> TextProperty -> IO [String]
> wcTextPropertyToTextList d prop =
>     alloca    $ \listp  ->
>     alloca    $ \countp ->
>     with prop $ \propp  -> do
>         throwIf (success >) (\e ->  "wcTextPropertyToTextList: " ++ show e) $
>             xwcTextPropertyToTextList d propp listp countp
>         count <- peek countp
>         list  <- peek listp
>         texts <- flip mapM [0..fromIntegral count - 1] $ \i ->
>                      peekElemOff list i >>= peekCWString
>         wcFreeStringList list
>         return texts

then arbtt-capture does indeed complain:
arbtt [Warning]: locale unsupported

So it is clear what the error is. Does someone with more locale chops
know what to do about it?



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