[Tiptoi] My Tiptoi only seems to work with unmodified .gme files

Wouter Betting w.betting at chello.nl
Sa Jul 27 17:35:45 CEST 2019

Hello Till,

Thanks for your suggestion. I tried that this week after reading about it in an earlier post. I tried disconnecting without unmounting again today, but it still makes no difference.

For your information: every time I disconnect the Tiptoi, it automaticaly switches off. After turning it on it tells me to "wait a moment", about 2-3 second pause, and then starts up with the standard welcome sound. 
I have not seen any differences in this behaviour, no matter what OS I use or how many files I copied/removed. It all looks pretty sturdy and reliable to me...

kind regards,

> Op 27 jul. 2019, om 14:24 heeft Till Korten <till at korten.at> het volgende geschreven:
> Hi Wouter,
> After deleting all but your own gme files with the same OID from the pen, you need to get the pen to read in the gme file. If it does this, you should hear a message "please wait a moment" the first time you turn on the pen after unplugging it from your computer.
> You can force re-hashing by unplugging the pen without ejecting the usb disk. Warning: you should only do this if you did not modify any files on the pen while it was plugged in. otherwise you may fry the filesystem.
> Cheers,
> Till
> On 27.07.19 08:52, Tobias Paul wrote:
>> Hi Wouter,
>> I had a similar behavior, when there was more than one gme file with the same product-oid on the pen at the same time. Please ensure that there is only one file and restart the pen after that, because it seems that there is some hashing or mirroring during boot phase.
>> Maybe this helps - hopefully 
>> Greets 
>> Tobias
>> Am 27.07.19, 01:43, Wouter Betting <w.betting at chello.nl> <mailto:w.betting at chello.nl> schrieb:
>> Hello Everybody,
>> I was looking forward to making my own scripts and being able to print oid-codes for use with the Tiptoi pen.
>> I think I covered the basics before buying my first pen:
>> 1: being able to write code and converting it to a .gme file using tttool
>> 2: being able to print the oid-codes that are readable by the pen
>> All these steps are working just fine.
>> But the problem is that after copying the .gme files to my pen, it only reads the original Ravenburgers .gme files, and not the .gme files created by tttool.
>> I've tried a lot of things to figure out where this problem is coming from. But so far it feels like there is some sort of copyprotection at work which recognizes the difference between the original and a modified .gme file.
>> I'm running out of ideas and hope that maybe someone can help me out here.
>> Here is a bit of extra information:
>> The Tiptoi pen I have is without playback buttons and without recording option. It is brand new, I bought it a week ago. It has 8GB of USB memory and I assume the processor is the 3203L. The hardware looks like a generation 2 (horizontal volume buttons), but it does not have the player buttons on top.
>> The file 'LanguageInfo2.txt' tells me:
>> 5
>> 999 GERMAN Update3203L.upd
>> 998 FRENCH Update3203L_fr.upd
>> 997 DUTCH Update3203L_nl.upd
>> 996 ITALIAN Update3203L_it.upd
>> 995 RUSSIA Update3203L_ru.upd
>> 994 ENGLISH Update3203L_en.upd
>> The file '.tiptoi.log' tells me:
>> TW153238ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ2D0013����ˇˇˇˇˇˇDUTCH�����ˇˇˇˇˇˇ3203L�����ˇˇˇˇˇˇ
>> I've tried copying .gme files to the pen and printing their respective product-id as oid-code, and then:
>> - assembling the Debug.yaml using tttool, 
>> FAIL, audio message: "first download the audio files to the pen..."
>> - creating my own .yaml file with product-id and only one script to play a sound, 
>> FAIL, audio message: "first download the audio files to the pen..."
>> - downloading pre-assembled 'stepseq.gme' and 'TipMaster-0.9.1.gme', 
>> FAIL, audio message: "first download the audio files to the pen..."
>> - downloading several .gme files from de Ravensburger website, 
>> SUCCES, audio message: "welcome to this book..."
>> I hope that someone can at least point me in a new direction and tell what to try next. If someone needs more information, please let me know.
>> kind regards,
>> Wouter
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