[Tiptoi] Fwd: Storage Boot Mode found

Ulrich Sibiller ulrich.sibiller at gmail.com
Fr Feb 13 00:07:48 CET 2015

On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 11:49 PM, Matthias Weber <matthiaz.weber at gmx.de> wrote:
> currently I do not have a pen here. Do you have to connect both pads to
> GND via 1kOhm resistor?

I understood that a simple resistor should be enough so I think
connecting the two pads is sufficient.

> Or are they the two pads connected? Or is one already connected to GND?
> Has anyone tried it with a closed pen?
> As some days have passed, any news on this? ;)

I have bought a pen at ebay, waiting for it to test that.


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