[Tiptoi] TipToi maker beginner

Romain GOUYET romain at gouyet.com
So Jan 18 14:49:13 CET 2015

Hello everybody,


This week-end, I found the github reverse TipToi project. Great works from

I successfully access to media files from my < gme > files.


Now, I'm on the go to try to make my own book for my daughter


In a first time, I tried the < create-debug > function with the ID of the
TipToi book I had.

I copy the created file on my TipToi pen and I removed  the original one.

But, when I click with the pen on the green start button of the book, the
only message i had is to put the book audio file on the pen.

I didn't seems to recognize the debug file.


I'm using a french version of the pen.

I updated to the latest firmware.


Do you have any hints ?


I tried another thing. I export the yaml and media of the book. I changed
the song played on startup and I used the < assemble > function to create an
new gme file.

I put it on the pen and I have the same standard message as before : 'Please
put the audio file of the book on the pen'


What is wrong with my actions ?


Thanks for your help.





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